
9am–5pm Chakrasaṃvara Drupchen in Halifax Shambhala Center

Although a good number of our regular practices (Mindfulnessness) and classes (Ngöndro, and Vajrayoginī) will be maintained, KCCL residents will attend the Chakrasaṃvara Drupchen in the Halifax Shambhala Center as much as possible.

5–6pm Mindfulness

Please join us for our daily 5–6pm mindfulness practice session (shamatha-vipashyanā mahāmudrā). You are also welcome to stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm) and a light dinner (usually soup).

7–8:30pm “Verse-by-Verse” Vajrayoginī class: Once again the Sevenfold service and Maṇḍala section

Description: This series of classes that attempts to cover “new ground” for our Vajrayoginī practice. Namely — based on modern oral and traditional written commentaries — it attempts to go through the entire sādhana verse by verse. This particular class will discuss the sevenfold service and the mandala section on pages 14-17 of the Sādhana. Who [...]