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Studying Abhidharma in the Context of Meditation Practice: Class 6 of 8
With Lodrö Sangpo
Hosted by: OCEAN and KCCL

Weekly 8-Class Online Series: begins Sunday, June 14, from 2:00–3:30pm (Nova Scotia Time)

The abhidharma has been described as a systematic analysis and understanding of the Buddha’s teachings. Although abhidharma texts can be quite complex and detailed, this course has a pragmatic goal: To present abhidharma in the context of practice. In particular we will examine what the abhidharma has to say about working with kleshas.

In the first part of the course we will examine the principles related to the first two noble truths, including: skandhas, dhatus and ayatanas; mind and mental events; causes, conditions, effects; dependent origination; momentariness; karmic cause and effect.

In the second part we will harness what we have learned in the first part to explore (a) the nature and functioning of mental defilements (kleshas) and (b) the different strategies of working with them.

In the third part of the course we will explore what seeing reality properly means from an abhidharma point of view.
Most classes will include meditation sessions.
Time: Weekly Sunday classes from 2:00–3:30pm Nova Scotia Time. The course will begin on June 14.
Participation: Open to all.
Suggested contribution: US$80/CDN$104 for the entire course; $10 per class. Generosity policy applies.
Hosted by: OCEAN and KCCL
Registration: You can register here: https://ocean.chronicleproject.com/courses/abhidharma-in-the-context-of-practice/#tab-course-section__overview
If need be you can also contact KCCL:  kccl.contact@gmail.com


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