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Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony

Saturday, July 4, 4:00–5:00pm

On the request of two sangha members, we have decided to offer again the bodhisattva vow here at KCCL, and herewith want to inform you about the ceremony.

In this regard, in case you have not already taken the bodhisattva and feel a strong desire to do so, it is still possible to join this ceremony.

If so, please contact soon Lodrö Sanpgo: 902-576-3655 or e-mail: lodro.sangpo@kccl.ca

The ceremony will very likely take place outside in our lovely Buddha garden since it will allow more people to join, both actual vow takers, and also their guests and friends who would like to participate in the ceremony or who would like to re-take the vow.

In case, the weather will not allow the ceremony to take place outside, the ceremony will still take place for the vow takers in our main shrine room whereas guests will be able to participate “indirectly”.

Since we will continue to be careful with social distancing, please let us know if you plan to join the ceremony so that we can send to you “the usual questions” to be asked and answered within the coronavirus situation.


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