6–7:30am Sojong

Sojong (Poṣhadha) The Meaning of Poṣhadha In Indian Hindu societies, members of the community regularly observe rites for renewing their connection with virtue. The days of the new and full moons are regarded as holy and set aside for purification of non-virtue and re-establishment of virtue. Those days, and the purification rites performed on those [...]

2:00–3:30pm ONLINE: Studying Abhidharma in the Context of Meditation Practice: Class 4 of 8

Studying Abhidharma in the Context of Meditation Practice: Class 4 of 8 With Lodrö Sangpo Hosted by: OCEAN and KCCL Weekly 8-Class Online Series: begins Sunday, June 14, from 2:00–3:30pm (Nova Scotia Time) The abhidharma has been described as a systematic analysis and understanding of the Buddha’s teachings. Although abhidharma texts can be quite complex and [...]