Morning Practice

Morning Practice You are welcome to join the daily morning sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. For more information: 902-454-5335;


Sitting You are welcome to join the daily sitting practice of the KCCL’s residents. You can also stay on for evening chants (6–6:30pm). For more info: 902-454-5335;

Step-by-step ritual training sessions for sadhakas

New:  Step-by-step ritual training sessions for sadhakas: April 15: bell, damaru and mudras (in person only at KCCL) Guided by Gelong Lodrö Sangpo Time: Bi-weekly on Mondays, starting on April 15, from 7pm to 8pm Description: Bi-weekly training sessions for sadhakas who wish to refine their ritual skills: bell, damaru, drumming, chanting, mudras, tormas, shrine [...]